- Prior to this BGV scheme, all schemes relied on the SWHE + bootstrapping approach. However implementations of this kind result in an overhead that is polynomial in the security parameter $p(\lambda)$.
- Why? The complexity of homomorphically evaluating decryption is at least the decryption time multiplied by the bit length of the individual ciphertexts used to encrypt each bit of the secret key.
- Prior schemes base security on lattices problems with sub-exponential approximation factors.
New BGV contribution
- Based on lattice problem with quasi-polynomial approximation factors.
- Leveled FHE scheme with better per-gate computation, optionally using bootstrapping as an optimizaion.
- Instead of bootstrapping, they use modulus switching iteratively, to keep noise level constant.
- The key idea is that while this does reduce the modulus $q$, they carefully choose a ladder of moduli to gradually reduce the modulus so that it doesn't impact the overall computation.
- Better asymptotic performance than bootstrapping.
LWE: Given $n, q, \chi$ dependent on security param $\lambda$, the LWE problem is to distinguish between two distributions:
- $(\textbf{a}_i, b_i) \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{Z}_q^{n+1}$
- $(\textbf{a}_i, b_i)$ where $\textbf{s} \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{Z}_q^n,\quad \textbf{a} \xleftarrow{\$} \mathbb{Z}_q^n,\quad e_i \leftarrow \chi, \quad\text{and}\quad b_i = \langle \textbf{a}, \textbf{s} \rangle + e_i.$
For certain $q$ and Guassian error distributions $\chi$, LWE is true as long as certain worst-case lattice problems are hard to solve using quantum.
RLWE: Quite similar, but $R = \mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^d + 1)$ and $R_q = R/qR$. Distinguish between
- $(a_i, b_i) \xleftarrow{\$} R_q^2$
- $(a_i, b_i)$ where $s \xleftarrow{\$} R_q,\quad a_i \xleftarrow{\$} R_q,\quad e_i \leftarrow \chi, \quad\text{and}\quad b_i = a_i \cdot s + e_i.$
The shortest vector problem (SVP) over ideal lattices can be reduced to RLWE.
- Basic lattice scheme based on RLWE (looks like what we've seen before, public key is a matrix multiplied by secret key with small error, which drops away during decryption)
- Key switching technique that can take $s_1, c_1, s_2$ and produce $c_2$ which decrypts to the same plaintext as $c_1$ (with small additive noise factor).
- Modulus switching technique that can transform $(q, m, c_1) \to (p, m, c_2)$ such that $c_2$ has less noise, still decrypts to $m$ but under a smaller modulus $p$.
- In detail:
- Setup: Given securtiy param $\lambda,$ levels $L$, set up a ladder of moduli from $0$ to $L$.
- KeyGen: the secret is an array of secret keys for each level. similarly the public key is an array of public key matrices along with the key switching info.
- Encode: as usual
- Decode: as usual but ciphertext indicates which level's secret key to use
- Add/Multiply: first ensure both ciphertexts have the same level index; if not use "Refresh" operation on one of them until they match. Then do add/multiply as usual, followed by an extra "Refresh" operation afterwards (not strictly necessary for addition).
- Refresh: Use the auxiliary key switching info (in the public key) to facilitate a modulus switch and key switch from current level $j$ to $j-1$.