Course Overview
- Systems can fail for many reasons. Security deals with intentional failures brought on by adversaries.
- What is security?
- it is defined for a particular setting via threat modeling
- who are the stakeholders, i.e. who is impacted
- what assets are we protecting?
- what are the threats to the assets? destruction/theft/ransom?
- who are the adversaries and what are their resources
- a billion dollar nation state can get into your email account no problem
- what is safety in your system? what is your security policy or goals?
- Perfect security does not exist: it's not binary! it is about risk management.
Often overlaps with security. But generally, systems behave respectfully towards people who use and are affected by them.
Course Themes
- How to think about security & privacy.
- Technical aspects of security & privacy.
- Vulnerabilities, attacks, defenses, etc.
Threat Modeling
- Diversity is very important: need perspectives outside of who built the system.
- Curiosity, thinking like an attacker.
- CIA: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (bonus: Authenticity)
- Confidentiality is concealment of information
- Integrity: prevention of unauthorized changes
- Availability: ability to use information or resources
- Authenticity: knowing who you're talking to
- Prevention
- E.g. Rust preventing memory bugs.
- Detection
- Sometimes super useful to be able to detect & observe adversaries without kicking them out.
- Response & resilience
- E.g. if you have good backups, you are resilient to ransomware attacks!
Securing a system has to be done across the whole system:
- cryptography
- code/implementation
- people
- physical security
- all the things between these components
This is because security is only as strong as the weakest link! The weakest component is what will get infiltrated by an intelligent adversary.
Asymmetric environments
Some systems are asymmetrically advantageous to adversaries, and some to defenders.
Policy to Implementation
- Requirements bugs & oversights
- E.g. incorrect or problematic goals
- Design bugs and oversights
- Poor use of cryptography
- Cryptography does not solve problems it is just a tool to help you.
- Poor sources of randomness
- Implementation bugs and oversights
- Buffer overflow attacks
- Is the system usable after all these challenges?