
Memory Safety

  • Mostly, attacks are concerned with virtual addresses relevant to a particular program.

  • Whereas physical addresses really only come into play in side channel attacks.

  • We're assuming all code in this class is written in C (or any unsafe language).

  • But fundamentally we're really only interested in the executable binary.

  • bug: software doesn't work right

  • vulnerability: a malfunction that can be used for an adversary's goals

  • exploit: a mechanical set of operations that make use of a vulnerability

    • an exploit can also be considered a program for a weird machine

Memory corruption bugs

  • Buffer overflows is a large class of bugs
  • Still verify prevalent today, especially in embedded systems.

Memory Layout

  • Mostly this is a recap of stuff I've just learned in ostep, but some helpful tidbits:
  • esp: stack ptr
  • ebp: frame ptr
  • eax: register where return values go
  • This class assumes x86_32 so everything is 4 bytes.
  • When a function f(int a, int b) is called:
    • Push b
    • Push a
    • Push ret
    • Push ebp
    • Push local vars
| locals | saved ebp | ret | arg a | arg b |


A classic buffer overflow vulnerability is shown below, with no check on the str length.

void func(char *str) {
    char buf[126];
    strcpy(buf, str);
  • We'll overflow the ret address on the stack to point back to the str buffer, and put malicious assembly instructions there.
  • So, for homework, we need to use a debugger to find the correct address for this attack code to put into ret.

A fix

A bunch of C functions are safe. New versions have evolved, e.g.

strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)

will only copy up to n bytes. But, you've gotta use the right value for n!

Homework Notes

We'll have to write an exploit which only allows overflowing a buffer by one byte.

  • Hint: It's little endian x86_32 bit system. We can overwrite the first byte of the saved frame pointer, which is the least significant bit of the frame pointer. So, we can shift the frame pointer (slightly) into the buffer.
  • Use gdb to find the correct addresses.

Function pointer overflow

Another variant of the overflow is to overwrite a C function pointer, rather than the RET address.


There are two syntaxes. E.g. a = b:

  • Intel: mov a, b
  • ATT: mov b, a
    • Excessive uses of %, $ is a giveaway that the format is ATT

Other overflows

  • Format strings in C
    • Using printf(buf) instead of printf("%s", buf)
    • What if buf == "hello %s"?
      • The printf func is going to look for args on the stack, but when they're missing, it's going to access data in the caller's frame.
    • Also printf("asdf %n", &ptr) writes the length 5 as an int into the mem pointed to by ptr.
      • As a weird machine, we have three instructions:
        • Can print_char which increments n.
        • Can %read: increment arg ptr, increment n by length.
        • Can %write: increment arg ptr, write n.
      • For the homework, synthesize a program from these instructions!
  • Heap management structures used by malloc.