
Pixel Perfect Timing Attacks

  • Discussion around the paper.
    • Timing link painting doesn't actually violate the SOP.
    • What about applying an SVG filter to an iframe?
      • You are not supposed to be able to interact with it... so arbitrary image transformations feel contradictory to the SOP.
      • Still allowed in all browsers, Firefox has made the filters constant time though. Safari just forces a null filter on all cross origin content.
  • Note: ad tech companies are the ones abusing these types of vulnerabilities. And there's really no legislation or strong social efforts to curb them from doing so.

SQL Injection

  • Typical example:
$user = $_GET['user'];
$sql = "SELECT id, name FROM table WHERE username = '$user';";
  • User hits example.com/page?user="'; DROP TABLE USERS; -- '" (appropriately url encoded).
  • Or if the user passes ' OR 1=1; --, they can try to get passed an auth check.
  • Side note: There's actually a company registered under the name ; DROP TABLE companies.

The problem of course, is shoving user input directly into code.

  • This is an input validation vulnerability.
  • Prevention: prepared statements! These bind variables that can only be data not code.

Note: if you find a vulnerability, contact your local CERT to safely and anonymously report it.

Question: why not do "prepared statements" for HTML to avoid XSS?

  • Both of these situations are similar to buffer overflows, executing user supplied code unexpectedly.
  • But, HTML is just text.. and it's expected to have javascript dynamically inserted and fucking shit up. So HTML (as we know it) can't really do this.

CSRF: Cross Site Request Forgery

Recall the features of the browser sandbox review:

  • Active content can send requests anywhere, but it can't read response.


  • User logs into bank.com, forgets to sign off.
    • Session cookie remains in browser
  • User then visits malicious site containing <form action=http://bank.com/BillPay.php> and JS to submit it.
    • This is OK, you can make requests to anywhere you want.
    • But the browser is going to send the cookie too! So the payment request will be fulfilled.
  • Lesson: cookie authentication is not sufficient when side effects can happen.


  • Hijack any ongoing session (steal accounts, make purchases, etc.)
  • Reprogram the user's home router
    • Very popular technique. Routers for many years just let people on the network modify whatever they wanted; so attackers could arbitrarily open ports on the victim's network, etc.

XSRF True Story:

  • Advertise a malicious cybervillians.com site on a stock trading forum .
  • Assume that many of these users have cookies for ticker.stockbroker.com.
  • Embed an iframe that hits stockbroker.com and
    • turns off user's email notifications
    • links a new checking account
    • transfers out $5k
    • unlinks the account
    • restores email notifications
  • Profit.


  • Secret validation token: <input type=hidden value=23a3af01b>
    • Embedded in forms
    • Token often based on user's session ID
    • Server verifies correctness of token before operation
    • Notice this relies on SOP: iframe can load the form but malicious external site can't read it!
  • Referer validation: ensure referer header value matches the expected origin
    • What if referer is empty? Shrug
    • Lenient referer checking: optional
    • Strict referer checking: required
    • Tons of practical reasons to suppress the header:
      • Organizations may strip outgoing requests so as to not leak private internal sites
      • Browster strips this when going from https -> http.


Many ways to prove who you are

  • Something you know: e.g. password, answers to security questions
  • Something you have: e.g. tokens, mobile devices
  • Something you are: e.g. biometrics

What is authentication trying to do, fundamentally? Well, it depends:

  • You might pass around a Netflix login. You are considering the auth here as a token that others can use.
  • Netflix might instead try to tie auth to a particular human for business purposes.

We don't have great answers in authentication.


Passwords suck.

  • They get leaked, they get reused, they're hard to remember.
  • They are the first thing that attackers try to get after intrusion, via key loggers.
  • Even if you hash shit like crazy in the most modern, cryptographically secure way, a poorly chosen password by user is easily cracked.
  • Other risks:
    • key loggers
    • shoulder surfing
    • same password at multiple sites
      • this is how almost all compromises happen
    • social engineering

How to make them suck less?

  • Salt passwords. This prevents a large offline precomputation of common hashes to match against.
  • Also pepper: secret salt

Shitty default passwords:

  • US District Courthouse server: "public" / "public"
  • NY Times employee database: pwd = last 4 SSN
  • Mirai IoT botnet:
    • tried weak/default passwords on tons of routers and other devices
    • built to take down competitor's minecraft server