Name: Samuel Tay
UW Net ID: tays
Paper: Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems
Author: Paul C. Kocher
Paper Review
- Problem: This paper is (perhaps?) the first to detail how modern cryptographic systems (at least, the implementations at the time of writing) are subject to timing attacks. Knowledge of how the underlying algorithms are implemented can allow an attacker to time operations on provided inputs, perform statistical analysis, and ultimately deduce private keys.
- Approach:
- First, a demonstration of the attack is shown against a simple modular exponentiation algorithm which computes $R = y^x \mod n$. Here, $x$ is the secret key and is $w$ bits long. The algorithm only computes the multiplication $R_b = s_b \cdot y) \mod n$ if the $b$th bit of $x$ is 1. The attack is inductive; at each step, we use the knowledge of the first $b$ bits of $x$ to find bit $b+1$. If we know that computing $R_b = (s_b \cdot y) \mod n$ is slow for certain $s_b$ and $y$ values, and we observe that total modular exponentiation is fast, then we can conclude bit $b$ is zero, and vice versa. One advantageous aspect of this algorithm is that wrong steps are pretty simple to detect statistically; once a wrong bit is guessed, future timings will have greater variances. Keeping track of guesses and their probabilities reduces the number of samples needed. Using this technique results in an attack where the number of samples needed is proportional to the size $w$ of the key.
- This attack is then put to the test against RSAREF. The attack is slightly modified, because RSAREF precomputes $y^2$ and $y^3$ to process two exponent bits at a time, cutting the number of loop iterations in half. So the attack needs to work with four candidates at a time ($x_{b-1}x_b \in {0, 1}^2$), instead of two. However, using this attack, correct guesses at each exponent bit are correct with probability 0.885, and it is therefore extremely effective.
- A discussion follows about Montgomery Multiplication, CRT, and DSS. In each of these, the author lays out a hand-wavy explanation of how the same style of attack may be theoretically possible, albiet more difficult, in these scenarios.
- The author explains that the initial obvious solutions, e.g. adding random delays or always computing the multiplication steps instead of branching, don't actually work. Random delays just requires a larger sample size. Always computing the $(s_b \cdot y) \mod n$ calculation doesn't solve the problem either, since the next squaring step still depends on $x_b$, and is therefore still subject to timing attacks.
- A better solution is to use blinding. Essentially, a secret masking pair ($v_i, v_f$) is chosen based on $x$ and $n$. The input message gets multiplied by $v_i \mod n$ before going through the modular exponentiation function, and then it is corrected afterwards by multiplying the output by $v_f \mod n$. This way, the attacker doesn't know the input to the modular exponentiation function, so the attack above is not possible.
- Conclusions: The conclusions are, in a nutshell: (1) timing attacks on RSA implementations like that of RSAREF are quite viable and not very computationally expensive. (2) More research is needed for Montgomery, CRT, and DSS, but it is certainly possible that these are vulnerable to timing attacks as well. (3) Naive solutions to thwart timing attacks are ineffective. Blinding is a good solution, however it too is possible subject to timing attacks, unless a different blinding pair is generated for each message, which is computationally expensive.
- New ideas: I'm not well-versed enough in the historical literature to say for sure, but it would appear that this paper is the first to describe a timing attack against modular exponentiation algorithms like those used in Diffie-Helman and RSA. Another new idea is the prevention mechanism, which blinds attackers from the actual inputs to the modular exponentiation function.
- Improvements: I really don't have much to say in the way of improvements. I think the author detailed a highly technical attack with a pretty solid level of detail, compared to most research papers. There are areas where I personally could have used a few more details to fill in the gaps (e.g. in the statistical analysis), but I don't really fault the author or the paper.
- New directions: As the author noted, an important new direction following this paper is further research into timing attacks against Montgomery multiplication, CRT, and DSS. I think another direction is further research into blinding techniques. Perhaps a blinding technique can be discovered that can be randomized for each message while still being performant.